Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why Firefly Should Not Be Renewed

Why Firefly Should Not be Renewed

By: Tribble

I am going to admit something to you all: I am so sick of people saying (and wearing t-shirts) "Bring Back Firefly". I know all of you are going to object, and Twitter Bomb me, but I am of the opinion that Firefly should stay as it is. I know, I know, it was awesome. and it would have been nice if it was not canceled. I am not saying it should have been canceled in the first place. This being said, let's look at the reasons why.

1. Half the characters are dead.

            How can you have the show with no Wash?! He is the comic relief!! Also, Book was one of the most interesting characters in the whole show. You never knew his deal, and that was fascinating and frustrating at the same time. Who was he? and why did he have to die so crappy?!? For reals.

2. What if they brought it back and ruined it?

             Like they did with Star Wars. Do you really want people bad-mouthing your favorite show like that? I wouldn't. I mean, with our luck, they would have Mal get together with Zoe. Or they would cure River. Do you really want that? No. No you don’t.

3. Could you really buy it?

            Now that you know, would you really be able to buy Sean Maher playing straight? Nuff said.

4. Mystery is the best thing

            Not knowing is always the best. I you knew what is going on would you really like the show anymore? if they continued the show you would get answers. I know that those answers would definitely not be what I would want for the characters, and the way it stands now, I can make up my own answers.

5. C'mon people, it’s been over 10 years already. get over it.

            The show was great, but I have three words for you: IT. IS. OVER. it is never coming back. on top of that, the cast is 10 years older. I know Nathan Fillion is awesome (no denying that), but can her really do the same stuff he was able to 10 years ago? I know I can't. look at Harrison ford in crystal skull as an example. I mean c'mon, we didn't need to see that. No offence to him, because I love him, but he was too old to play Indy.

6. Finally, if you Firefly-ers need a fix, why not support a spin off??!

            Same universe, different characters. that way, they can bring some characters back as cameos! I would watch that. but only if it was written well, not like "Browncoats"

So, to sum up, SHUT UP! Firefly is never coming back. enjoy it for what it is. a great show that ended before its time. you can be sad it's over, but stop complaining for a future that will never happen.

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